By Balraj Singh - 2024-03-23
Lwt is a lightweight cooperative
threading library for OCaml. A good way to understand Lwt and its use
in MirageOS is to write some simple code. This document introduces the
basic concepts and suggests programs to write. Code for all examples
is in the mirage-skeleton/tutorial/lwt/
The full Lwt manual is available elsewhere, but the minimal stuff needed to get started is here.
The core type in Lwt is a "thread" (also known as a "promise" in some
other systems). An 'a Lwt.t
is a thread that should produce a value
of type 'a
(for example, an int Lwt.t
should produce a single
). Initially a thread is sleeping (the result is not yet
known). At some point, it changes to be either returned (with a
value of type 'a
) or failed (with an exception). Once returned or
failed, a thread never changes state again.
Lwt provides a number of functions for working with threads. The
first useful function is return
, which constructs a trivial,
already-returned thread:
# Lwt.return;;
- : 'a -> 'a Lwt.t = <fun>
This is useful if an API requires a thread, but you already happen to
know the value. Once the value is wrapped in its Lwt thread, it
cannot directly be used (as in general a thread may not have
terminated yet). This is where the >>=
infix operator (pronounced
"bind") comes in:
# Lwt.( >>= );;
- : 'a Lwt.t -> ('a -> 'b Lwt.t) -> 'b Lwt.t = <fun>
t >>= f
creates a thread which first waits for thread t
to return
some value x
, then behaves as the new thread f x
. If t
is a
sleeping thread, then t >>= f
will initially be a sleeping thread
too. If t
fails, then the resulting thread will fail with the same
If you ignore the Lwt.t
bits in the types above, you can see that
looks like the identity function and >>=
looks like |>
("pipe" or "apply"). You can convert any synchronous program into an
equivalent Lwt-threaded one using just >>=
and return
. For
example consider this code to input two values and add them:
let x =
let a = get_input "Enter a" in
let b = get_input "Enter b" in
a + b
Removing the let ... in ...
syntax, we could also write:
let x =
get_input "Enter a" |> fun a ->
get_input "Enter b" |> fun b ->
a + b
If the get_input
function's type is changed from string -> int
the threaded-equivalent, string -> int Lwt.t
, then our example could
be changed to:
open Lwt.Infix
let x =
get_input_lwt "Enter a" >>= fun a ->
get_input_lwt "Enter b" >>= fun b ->
Lwt.return (a + b)
Note that the final result, x
, is itself a thread now. Since we
didn't change +
to return a thread, we must wrap the result with
to give it the correct type.
Of course, the reason for using Lwt is to write programs that do more
than just behave like synchronous programs: we want to be doing
multiple things at once, by composing threads in more ways than just
"a then b". Two important functions to compose threads are join
and choose
# Lwt.join;;
- : unit Lwt.t list -> unit Lwt.t = <fun>
takes a list of threads and waits for all of them to
terminate. If at least one thread fails then join l
will fail with
the same exception as the first to fail, after all threads terminate.
# Lwt.choose;;
- : 'a Lwt.t list -> 'a Lwt.t = <fun>
choose l
behaves as the first thread in l
to terminate. If several
threads are already terminated, one is chosen at random.
The Lwt_list module provides many other functions for handling lists of threads.
Now write a program that spins off two threads, each of which sleeps for some amount of time, say 1 and 2 seconds and then one prints "Heads", the other "Tails". After both have finished, it prints "Finished" and exits.
To sleep for some number of nanoseconds use the function sleep_ns
declared in the interface
and to print to the console use
. Note that Mirage_time
is a Mirage-specific module; if you are using Lwt in another context,
use Lwt_unix.sleep
and Lwt_io.write
. (You will also need to
manually start the main event loop with
For convenience, you'll likely want to also use the Duration library, which provides handy functions for converting between seconds, milliseconds, nanoseconds, and other units of time.
(* sleep for n seconds *)
let sleep_s n = Time.sleep_ns (Duration.of_sec n)
You will need to have MirageOS installed. Create a file
with the following content:
open Mirage
let main =
main ~packages:[ package "duration" ] "Unikernel.Heads1" (time @-> job)
let () = register "heads1" [ main $ default_time ]
Add a file
with the following content and edit it:
open Lwt.Infix
module Heads1 (Time : Mirage_time.S) = struct
let start _time =
(* Add your implementation here... *) (fun m -> m "Finished")
Assuming you want to build as a normal Unix process, compile the application with:
$ mirage configure -t unix
$ make depend
$ dune exec -- ./main.exe
If you prefer to build for another target (like xen
or hvt
change the -t
argument to mirage configure
. To see the available
backends, have a look at the documentation available with mirage configure --help
open Lwt.Infix
module Heads1 (Time : Mirage_time.S) = struct
let start _time =
( Time.sleep_ns (Duration.of_sec 1) >|= fun () -> (fun m -> m "Heads") );
( Time.sleep_ns (Duration.of_sec 2) >|= fun () -> (fun m -> m "Tails") );
>|= fun () -> (fun m -> m "Finished")
This code is also found in
tutorial/lwt/heads1/ in the
mirage-skeleton code
repository. Build it with mirage configure -t unix && make depend && make
, as described above.
Write an echo server that reads from a dummy input generator and, for each line it reads, writes it to the console. The server should stop after reading 10 lines.
Hint: it's easier to convert a program to use Lwt if you write loops
in a functional style (using tail recursion) rather than using special
syntax (e.g. while
and for
For convenience, here is a
which you might use for this exercise:
open Mirage
let main =
let packages = [ package "duration"; package ~max:"0.2.0" "randomconv" ] in
main ~packages "Unikernel.Echo_server" (time @-> random @-> job)
let () = register "echo_server" [ main $ default_time $ default_random ]
You might notice that it's very similar to the previous example
, but it requires an extra package randomconv
has convenience functions for dealing with random data,
which this challenge asks you to do. Here is a basic dummy input
generator you can use for testing:
let read_line () =
Time.sleep_ns (Duration.of_ms ( ~bound:2500 generate))
>|= fun () -> String.make ( ~bound:20 R.generate) 'a'
By the way, the >|=
operator ("map") used here is similar to >>=
but automatically wraps the result of the function you provide with
. It's used here because String.make
is synchronous (it
doesn't return a thread). We could also have used >>=
and return
together to get the same effect.
open Lwt.Infix
module Echo_server (Time : Mirage_time.S) (R : Mirage_random.S) = struct
let read_line () =
Time.sleep_ns (Duration.of_ms ( ~bound:2500 R.generate))
>|= fun () -> String.make ( ~bound:20 generate) 'a'
let start _time _r =
let rec echo_server = function
| 0 -> Lwt.return ()
| n ->
read_line () >>= fun s -> (fun m -> m "%s" s);
echo_server (n - 1)
echo_server 10
This is in tutorial/lwt/echo_server/ in the mirage-skeleton code repository.
Note: Lwt's >>=
operator does the threaded equivalent of a tail-call
optimisation, so this won't consume more and more memory as it runs.
Understanding the basic principles behind Lwt can be helpful.
The core of Lwt is based on an event loop. In "standard" (non-MirageOS) settings,
this loop is started using the
function. However, when using
MirageOS, the loop is automatically started by the
file autogenerated
by the mirage
command-line tool.
Because it's based on an event loop, threads are very cheap in Lwt when compared to preemptive system threads. Sleeping registers an event that will wake up the associated thread when possible.
With Lwt, it is often possible to avoid mutexes altogether! The web
server from the Ocsigen project uses only two,
for example. In usual concurrent systems, mutexes are used to prevent
two (or more) threads executing concurrently on a given piece of
data. This can happen when a thread is preemptively interrupted and
another one starts running. In Lwt, a thread executes serially until
it explicitly yields (most commonly via >>=
); for this reason, Lwt
threads are said to be
For example, consider this code to generate unique IDs:
let next =
let i = ref 0 in
fun () ->
incr i;
It is entirely safe to call this from multiple Lwt threads, since we
know that incr
, the only function we call, isn't going to somehow
recursively call next
while it's running.
Calling x >>= f
(and similar) will run other threads while waiting
for x
to terminate, and these may well invoke the function again, so
you can't assume things won't be modified across a bind. For example,
this version is not safe:
let next =
let i = ref 0 in
fun () ->
incr i;
foo () >|= fun () -> (* Another thread might call [next] here *)
Of course, this is true of any function that might, directly or
indirectly, call next
, not just Lwt ones.
The obvious danger associated with cooperative threading is having
threads not cooperating: if an expression takes a lot of time to
compute with no cooperation point, then the whole program hangs. The
function introduces an explicit cooperation
point. sleep
ing also obviously makes the thread cooperate.
If locking a data structure is still needed, the Lwt_mutex
provides the necessary functions. To obtain more information on thread
switching (and how to prevent it) read the Lwt mailing list archive:
Lwt_stream, thread switch within push
which continues
If you want to spawn a thread without waiting for the result, use Lwt.async
let spwawn () =
Lwt.async (fun () ->
Time.sleep_ns (Duration.of_sec 10) >|= fun () -> (fun m -> m "Tails")
Note: do not do let _ = my_background_thread ()
. This ignores
the result of the thread, which means that if it fails with an
exception then the error will never be reported.
reports errors to the user's configured
, which may or may not terminate the
unikernel depending on how it has been configured.
It is often better to catch such exceptions and log them with some contextual information. Here's some real Mirage code that spawns a new background thread to handle a new frame received from the network. The log message includes the exception it caught, a dump of the troublesome frame and, like all log messages, information about when it occurred and in which module.
(* Handle a frame of data from the network... *)
let process fn data =
Lwt.async (fun () ->
Lwt.catch (fun () -> fn data)
(fun ex ->
Logs.err (fun f -> f "uncaught exception from listen callback \\
while handling frame:@\\n%a@\\nException: @[%s@]"
pp_frame data (Printexc.to_string ex));
Lwt.return ()
By the way, the reason async
and catch
take functions that create
threads rather than just plain threads is so they can start the thread
inside a try .. with
block and so handle OCaml exceptions
consistently. Be careful not to disable this safety feature by
accident - consider:
let test1 () =
let t = raise (Failure "early failure") in
Lwt.catch (fun () -> t)
(fun ex -> print_endline "caught exception!"; Lwt.return ())
let test2 () =
let t = Time.sleep_ns (Duration.of_sec 1) >>= fun () -> raise (Failure "late failure") in
Lwt.catch (fun () -> t)
(fun ex -> print_endline "caught exception!"; Lwt.return ())
Because test1
's t
raises an exception immediately (without waiting
for a sleeping thread and thus getting added to an event queue),
will exit with an exception before even reaching the catch
However, test2
's t
blocks first. In this case, the sleeping t
passed to catch
, which handles the exception.
Moving the let t =
inside the catch
callback avoids this problem
(as does using
instead of raise
In Mirage code, we typically distinguish two types of error: programming errors (bugs, which should be reported to the programmer to be fixed) and expected errors (e.g. network disconnected or invalid TCP packet received). We try to use the type system to ensure that expected errors are handled gracefully.
For expected errors, you should use the result
type, which provides
and Error
constructors. This is a built-in in OCaml 4.03 and
available from the result
opam package for older versions.
Here's an example that calls read_arg
twice and returns the sum of
the results on success. If either read_arg
returns an error then
that is returned immediately.
let example () =
read_arg () >>= function
| Error _ as e -> Lwt.return e
| Ok a ->
read_arg () >>= function
| Error _ as e -> Lwt.return e
| Ok b ->
Lwt.return (Ok (a + b))
It is often useful to provide some helpers to handle this pattern (using Lwt threads and result types together) more simply:
let ok x = Lwt.return (Ok x)
let (>>*=) m f =
m >>= function
| Error _ as e -> Lwt.return e
| Ok x -> f x
let example () =
read_arg () >>*= fun a ->
read_arg () >>*= fun b ->
ok (a + b)
If a bug is detected, you should raise an exception. In threaded code
you should use
, although Lwt will catch exceptions and turn
them into failures automatically if you forget.
You shouldn't normally need to catch specific exceptions (it would be
better to use an Error
return in that case), but it is sometimes
The Lwt-equivalent of
try foo x
| Error_you_want_to_catch -> (* handle error here *)
(fun () -> foo x)
| Error_you_want_to_catch -> (* handle error here *)
| ex -> ex (* Pass others on *)
Depending on how the unikernel is set up, an exception may or may not
be fatal. In general, if you allocate a resource that won't be
automatically freed by the garbage collector then you should use
to ensure it is cleaned up whether the function using
it succeeds or not:
let r = Resource.alloc () in
(fun () -> use r)
(fun () -> r)
To make it harder to get this wrong, it is a good idea to provide a
function, so users can just do:
with_resource (fun r -> use r)
You can create a thread that sleeps until you explicitly make it
return a result with Lwt.wait
, which returns a thread and a waker:
let invoke_remote msg =
let t, waker = Lwt.wait () in
let id = new_id () in
on_response_to id (fun resp -> Lwt.wakeup waker resp);
send_request id msg;
This is mainly useful when interacting with external processes (as in this example), or libraries that don't support Lwt directly.
In order to cancel a thread, the function cancel
(provided by the
module Lwt) is needed. It has type 'a t -> unit
and does exactly
what it says (except on certain complicated cases that are not in the
scope of this tutorial). A simple timeout function that cancels a
thread after a given number of seconds can be written easily:
let timeout delay t =
Time.sleep_ns delay >|= fun () -> Lwt.cancel t
This timeout
function does not allow one to use the result returned
by the thread t
Modify the timeout
function so that it returns either None
if t
has not yet returned after delay
seconds or Some v
if t
within delay
seconds. In order to achieve this behaviour it is
possible to use the function Lwt.state
that, given a thread, returns
the state it is in, either Sleep
, Return
or Fail
You can test your solution with this application, which creates a thread that may be cancelled before it returns:
let timeout s t : string option Lwt.t = failwith "TODO"
let start _time _r =
let t =
Time.sleep_ns (Duration.of_ms ( ~bound:3000 R.generate))
>|= fun () -> "Heads"
timeout (Duration.of_sec 2) t >|= function
| None -> (fun m -> m "Cancelled")
| Some v -> (fun m -> m "Returned %S" v)
For convenience, here is a
which you might use for this exercise:
open Mirage
let main =
~packages:[ package "duration"; package ~max:"0.2.0" "randomconv" ]
(time @-> random @-> job)
let () = register "timeout1" [ main $ default_time $ default_random ]
open Lwt.Infix
module Timeout1 (Time : Mirage_time.S) (R : Mirage_random.S) = struct
let timeout delay t =
Time.sleep_ns delay >>= fun () ->
match Lwt.state t with
| Lwt.Sleep ->
Lwt.cancel t;
Lwt.return None
| Lwt.Return v -> Lwt.return (Some v)
| Lwt.Fail ex -> ex
let start _time _r =
let t =
Time.sleep_ns (Duration.of_ms ( ~bound:3000 R.generate))
>|= fun () -> "Heads"
timeout (Duration.of_sec 2) t >|= function
| None -> (fun m -> m "Cancelled")
| Some v -> (fun m -> m "Returned %S" v)
This solution and application are found in tutorial/lwt/timeout1/ in the repository.
Does your solution match the one given here and always returns after
seconds, even when t
returns within delay
This is a good place to introduce a third operation to compose threads: pick
# Lwt.pick ;;
- : 'a Lwt.t list -> 'a Lwt.t = <fun>
behaves exactly like choose
except that it cancels all other
sleeping threads when one terminates.
In a typical use of a timeout, if t
returns before the timeout has
expired, one would want the timeout to be cancelled right away. The
next challenge is to modify the timeout function to return Some v
right after t
returns. Of course if the timeout does expire then it
should cancel t
and return None
In order to test your solution, you can compile it to a mirage executable and run it using the skeleton provided for the previous challenge.
let timeout delay t =
let tmout = Time.sleep_ns delay in
Lwt.pick [
(tmout >|= fun () -> None);
(t >|= fun v -> Some v);
Found in lwt/tutorial/timeout2/ in the repository.
The cancel
function should be used very sparingly, since it
essentially throws an unexpected exception into the middle of some
executing code that probably wasn't expecting it. A cancel that
occurs when the thread happens to be performing an uncancellable
operation will be silently ignored.
A safer alternative is to use Lwt_switch. This means that cancellation will only happen at well defined points, although it does require explicit support from the code being cancelled. If you have a function that only responds to cancel, you might want to wrap it in a function that takes a switch and cancels it when the switch is turned off.
Lwt provides many more features. See the manual for details. However, the vast majority of code will only need the basic features described here.