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Building and packaging with dune and dune-release

By Dave Scott - 2017-05-22

Packaging with dune and dune-release

This post describes the current state-of-the-art in building and releasing MirageOS packages with dune (to build) and dune-release (to release).

Please note that some packages are still using ocamlbuild and topkg, install topkg-care and replace dune-release with topkg below.


We wish to

  • make development and releasing of individual components as quick and as easy as possible
  • use a similar structure across the MirageOS suite of components to make it easier for new people (and automated tools) to work across more than one component at a time

The tools

We make heavy use of the following tools:

  • opam: defines a notion of a package, with versioned dependencies on other packages inside a package repository. We use this to ensure that we have a compatible set of component versions installed for our current project.
  • dune: a build tool (like make) which knows how to build OCaml code incrementally and really quickly.
  • dune-release: a release tool which assists with tagging and uploading artefacts to github.


We adopt the following conventions:

  • we prefix releases with v to easily distinguish concreate releases (v1.2.3) from release branches (1.2)
  • we don't use opam's depopts to specify sub-libraries. Instead we create multiple opam packages via multiple <name>.opam files in the same repo. See rgrinberg's post for a rationale
  • we prefer to use the same name for both the ocamlfind package and the opam package. This is to avoid misunderstandings over whether you need to type mirage-types.lwt or mirage-types-lwt in the current context.
  • we write CHANGES.md entries in the same style, to ensure they are parseable by dune-release
  • we do not enable warnings as errors in the repo; instead we turn these on for local developer builds only. This is to prevent released versions from breaking when a future compiler version is released.

Package structure

A MirageOS library should have

  • CHANGES.md: containing a log of user-visible changes in each release. For example consider mirage-tcpip CHANGES.md: it has a markdown ### prefix before each release version and the date in (YYYY-MM-DD) form.
  • LICENSE.md: describing the conditions under which the code can be used (the MirageOS standard license is ISC). For example mirage-tcpip LICENSE.md.
  • README.md: describing what the code is for and linking to examples, docs, continuous integration (CI) status. For example mirage-tcpip.3.7.1.
  • one <name>.opam file per opam package defined in the repo. For example mirage-block.1.2.0 and mirage-block-lwt.1.2.0. These should have a github pages doc: link in order that dune-release can detect the upstream repo.
  • Makefile: contains dune invocations. For example mirage-block.1.2.0
  • one or more dune files: these describe how to build the libraries, executables and tests of your project. For example mirage-block-unix.2.11.0/lib/dune links the main library against OCaml and C, while mirage-block-unix.2.11.0/lib_test/dune defines 2 executables and associates one with an alias runtest, triggered by make test in the root.

Developing changes

It should be sufficient to

  • git clone the repo
  • opam install --deps-only <name>: to install any required dependencies

and then

  • make: to perform an incremental build
  • make test: to compile and execute tests
  • dune utop: to launch an interactive top-level

Releasing changes

MirageOS releases are published via github. First log into your account and create a GitHub API token if you haven't already. Store it in a file (e.g. ~/.config/dune/github.token). If on a multi-user machine, ensure the privileges are set to prevent other users from reading it.

Before releasing anything it's a good idea to review the outstanding issues. Perhaps some can be closed already? Maybe a CHANGES.md entry is missing?

When ready to go, create a branch from master and edit the CHANGES.md file to list the interesting changes made since the last release. Make a pull request (PR) for this update. The CI will run which is a useful final check that the code still builds and the tests still pass. (It's ok to skip this if the CI was working fine a few moments ago when you merged another PR). If you include [ci skip] in your commit message, the CI will not be run.

When the CHANGES.md PR is merged, pull it into your local master branch.

Read dune-release help release to have an overview of the full release workflow. You need to have odoc installed to generate the documentation.


dune-release tag

-- dune-release will extract the latest version from the CHANGES.md file, perform version substitutions and create a local tag.


dune-release distrib

-- dune-release will create a release tarball.

Install odoc and type:

dune-release publish --dry-run

-- dune-release will build the documentation (fix all the warnings).


dune-release publish

-- dune-release will push the tag, create a release and upload the release tarball. It will also build the docs and push them online.


dune-release opam pkg
dune-release opam submit

-- this will add new files in your opam-repository clone. git commit and push them to your fork on GitHub and open a new pull-request.

You can simply write:

dune-release tag && dune-release

-- this will do the above steps (distrib, publish, opam pkg, opam submit).