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Mirage 4

By Thomas Gazagnaire - 2022-02-11

Welcome to the MirageOS 4 release page.

What's new ?

The main change is a deep modification on how unikernels are built. One of the purposes of MirageOS is to orchestrate a build a system in order to produce the desired unikernel binary. Until MirageOS 4, the build system was ocamlbuild. Now, we switched to dune. Following a global shift to the dune build system, this enables us many features that were slowing down the MirageOS development workflow.

  • Monorepos: unikernel sources are locally fetched to be compiled by dune. This implies that one can locally edit theses sources to test changes, before sending them to the upstream repository. It replaces the usual opam pin ... / edit sources / opam reinstall ... workflow.

    The monorepos are built using the opam-monorepo tool, consisting in two steps. First a lockfile is generated, performing the dependency resolution and locking packages to specific versions. Then the lockfile is used to locally fetch the sources.

  • Cross-compilation: one of the problems of MirageOS 3.x was the difficulty to create new targets into the ecosystem, especially cross-archicture targets. Because opam installs packages for the host architecture, one would have to create a parallel repository in which packages are cross-compiled, such as opam-cross-android or opam-cross-esp32. That parallel world idea has also been implemented using esy: see reason-mobile.

    The MirageOS 4 solution takes advantage of the dune workspaces feature, which defines a global compilation environment (OCaml compiler, C compiler, flags and environment variables) to be used to build all the sources that are locally available. As a consequence, porting a new target to Mirage 4 will only rely on having a freestanding (i.e. OS-free) OCaml compiler.

  • Reproducible workflow: because lockfiles are used to fetch the unikernel sources, we can ensure that the exact same sources will be used to build the unikernel as the as the lockfile has not changed. Additional work might be required to ensure that the rest of the tools (mirage, dune, ocaml-solo5) are also locked to a specific version.

  • Merlin support: dune automatically enables the usage of merlin to improve the developer experience. Its editor support can be enabled for example by using the ocaml LSP server. Due to current limitations, merlin can be enabled either on the config.ml file or the unikernel files, but not both at the same time.

    Note that until the next release of dune, merlin support must be activated manually in the dune-workspace file. documentation

Ecosystem changes

  • Port to dune: since the beginning of the work on MirageOS 4, many packages have been ported to dune. This is a requirement to be able to use it in a unikernel. The libraries using alternative build systems (such as B0) have been ported to dune, but as upstreaming the work is not expected, the MirageOS team maintains repositories of build system forks: dune-universe/opam-overlays and dune-universe/mirage-opam-overlays.

    The mission of porting and maintaining dune-built forks is assured by the dune-universe team.

  • Solo5 and ocaml-solo5: to support the new cross-compilation workflow, solo5 becomes a cross-compilation toolchain (ARCH-solo5-none-static-cc) and ocaml-solo5 becomes an OCaml cross-compiler based on that solo5 toolchain.

  • C stubs compilation: the rule for C stubs compilation has also changed. Until now, package maintainers that uses C stubs had to add some code to build the C stubs using the solo5 flags, through the ocaml-solo5 pkg-config file.

    Now, package maintainers should only care about writing portable code once, and built it using dune rules.

To sum it up, here are the portable compilation rules for a package to support Mirage 4.0:

  1. Don't depend on unix
  2. Build your project with dune, and have your transitive dependencies buildable using dune.
  3. If your project use C stubs, assume the libc is minimal. See ocaml-solo5's nolibc for reference: github.com/mirage/ocaml-solo5/tree/master/nolibc/include

Tool changes

API breakages

The functoria devices has changed, switching from requesting objects to a function with optional parameters. An additional dune field can be used to have additional rules related to the device.

See this commit as an example on how to adapt the objects to the new interface.


The mirage command-line interface hasn't fundamentally changed, but when a project is configured, the following additional files are generated:

  • dune.build: the dune rules to build the unikernel.
  • dune.config: the dune rules to build the unikernel's configuration.
  • dune: switch between dune.build and dune.config depending on the context.
  • dune-workspace: the compilation workspace definition, asking dune to use the ocaml-solo5 cross-compiler.
  • mirage/UNIKERNEL-monorepo.opam: the unikernel dependencies to lock and fetch using opam-monorepo.
  • mirage/UNIKERNEL-switch.opam: the tool dependencies to opam install (it includes solo5 and ocaml-solo5)

To fetch and install the dependencies, make depends is still the command to go:

  • it globally installs the build dependencies in the switch.
  • it locally fetches using opam-monorepo the unikernel dependencies in the duniverse/ folder.

To build the unikernel, mirage build and dune build are equivalent. The output is available in the dist/ folder.

How to test

# Install MirageOS 4
$ opam install 'mirage>=4.0'

# Clone this website repository
$ git clone https://github.com/mirage/mirage-www

# Configure the unikernel
$ mirage configure -f mirage/config.ml -t hvt

# Fetch and install dependencies
$ make depend

# Build the unikernel
$ dune build mirage/

# Launch it (a tap interface needs to be configured for the hvt target)
$ solo5-hvt --net:service=tap100 mirage/dist/www.hvt