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Weekly Meeting: 2014-04-01
By Amir Chaudhry - 2014-04-01


  • GSoC/OPW update (Anil)
  • Core_kernel (Anil)
  • Iocaml update (Anil)
  • Irminsule xenstore (Dave)
  • Mirage tutorial day (Amir)

Attendees: Amir Chaudhry (chair), Jonathan Ludlam, Anil Madhavapeddy, David Scott, David Kaloper, Hannes Mehnert, Thomas Leonard


Google Summer of Code / Outreach Program for Women

We've got three candidates. Need to arrange mentors and need to keep pushing this to make sure things go through. Had some more people asking about Mirage during this process.


Should push for getting support as it's needed for Irminsule and other stuff. In longer term want nice set of header files to help with cross-compilation. For now can copy stubs in but keep an eye on them. Only one set of c files we need (big array).

Possibly need port of MiniOS to use new features of Xen. Anil will figure out what's needed. MiniOS in Xen tree has features that overlap so may need to turn those off. Dave will look at this.

Problems with Core_kernel are around bin_io and sexp lib. Will report these to JaneStreet.

IOCaml update

Code is at https://github.com/andrewray/iocaml. There's also an opam remote. Can get a fully Javascript frontend. There are some issues with C-bindings and it's in pre-release but people should play and report issues. Could use this to construct tutorials.

Irminsule xenstore

Early version is kind of working. Question about whether if can start a VM. Fixing stuff up but may work on that next.

Mirage tutorial day

Considerations for the tutorial day:

  • Leads
  • Location

See previous notes for a wider set of questions.

Leads - Amir volunteered to lead the logistics, organisation etc for the tutorial day. Need someone to step up and think about the content, e.g the sessions, technical needs (e.g pre-configured VMs, etc) and timing for the day.

Location - Amir is in touch with people at Citrix to see if they'd be willing/able to host the day. Relevant folks are on holiday so will have to wait around a week before he hears back.

Worth noting that Codio is a web-based IDE that can provide a dev environment ready to go. IOCaml is also a nice framework to use too. Suggestion to pick a date far enough away so that we can allow time to get these right (and working).


Switch Mirage calls to a fortnightly schedule (i.e every two weeks).

Async Pull Request - Jon will look over it.

Library updates - some review needed (e.g cohttp).

Incompatible change from Mirage v1. Will only affect mirage-net and mirage. if all people opam upgrade, then should be no issue as everything will change at once.